Highrock Bay

Located at the very tip of the Keweenaw peninsula, Highrock Bay is pretty far removed from civilization but easily accessible to those with adequate 4-wheel drive vehicles or ATVs. This is an incredibly beautiful place to camp and does not require much of a hike if your car can make it. Highrock bay consists of a stone beach with bedrock jutting out on the north side. You can camp here, or if already occupied by other campers, drive on the beach to the north a bit to reach another clearing. If that place is taken too you can backtrack and set up at the Rocket Range.

To get here, take US-41 north until the road ends and transitions to a dirt road. This is Mandan Road. Continue down it for 4.8 miles and take a left onto Highrock Bay Road. Continue on this road until you reach Lake Superior.
Thanks to Andrew Dubay for the pictures!