Eagle River Falls

Eagle River Falls are one of the many roadside waterfalls you'll encounter while driving around. These are rather impressive as they empty into a gorge which flows directly into Lake Superior. There is also a nice stone beach at the mouth of the Eagle River where the gorge empties out. There are a couple large basins in the rock itself, though I'm not sure whether these are natural or not. At one time this waterfall was used to power a factory of some sorts. The remaining wooden dam can be seen between the two cascades

To get here, head north on the lift bridge and take US-41 north until you get into Phoenix. Take a left onto M-26 towards Eagle River. Drive about 2.2 miles and you'll cross a bridge. You should see the waterfall to your right. There's a parking area to your right after you cross the bridge and you can walk onto the decommissioned steel bridge that runs parallel to the road to get a better look at the falls. I'm not big into bridges but the current road bridge is very cool looking (above). If you want to check out the beach, take a left onto East Main Street until you get to the lake.