While this will eventually become the most extensive website for outdoor adventure and exploration in the Keweenaw, there are several other sites I'd like to bring attention to which I've used over the years. The first of these is Mike Forgrave's Copper Country Explorer. More focused on the history of locations around the Keweenaw, this is an excellent educational resource for those interested in the story behind the places I cover here. Unfortunately I've been getting a lot of bad links lately so hopefully they're repaired soon. Secondly is Jacob Emerick's Waterfalls of the Keweenaw. This is the definitive website for anybody who's into waterfalls as much as I am and gives directions, pictures, and advice for every waterfall in the area. In all honesty his waterfall map was the inspiration for this whole project. Lastly is Copper Country Media's Keweenaw Free Guide. This is one I have never used much as it seems to be more tourist-oriented but outside of bonfire spots and backcountry campsites, it's pretty dang comprehensive.
Many of the locations outlined in this site are off the beaten path and in areas of poor or nonexistent cell tower reception. This can make it easy to get lost, especially when navigating the many mazes of logging roads around here. While there are several smartphone apps that allow you to store offline maps and GPS when there's no service, I've found that Topo Maps US is the simplest and most intuitive offering on the Apple App Store. It allows for basic flag pinning/trail recording and importing of GPX files for shared trail/pin data. And its FREE. I've used this on countless occasions where cell service was lacking and it has yet to let me down. It's also not very power hungry so provided you're in airplane mode, you should be able to get at least 2-3 days of noncontinuous use. If you're more of an Android fan, the most similar offering is ViewRanger, though I've heard there are in-app purchases for certain features. Other great paid alternatives for iOS and Android are Topo Maps+ and Backcountry Navigator, respectively.